AMS 4914, Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al, Titanium, Ti-Alloy
AMS 4914, Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al, Titanium, Ti-Alloy
STEELMAX Metal Story
AMS 4914 Spec 은, 높은 비강도 (strength to weight
AMS 4914, Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al, Titanium, Ti-Alloy
STEELMAX Metal Story
AMS 4914 Spec 은, 높은 비강도 (strength to weight
2.1052.04, DIN 1705, CuSn11P-C, CC483K, Bronze
STEELMAX Metal Story
2.1052.04 재질은 DIN 1705 청동 재질입니다.
지금의 DIN-EN CC483K
CZ112, Marine Naval Brass Rod, CW712R
STEELMAX Metal Story
CZ112 재질은 네이벌 황동 재질로 marine and sub-sea
SB168-N06690, Plate, Sheet, Nickel Alloy
STEELMAX Metal Story
SB168-N06690 금속은 High Nickel — 58.0% minimum,
High Chromium 30%
Haynes®282 Alloy, High Temp. Structural Ni-Alloy
STEELMAX Metal Story
Haynes®282 금속은 고온에서 강도가 높아, 고온 구조용 금속으로
C75200, Nickel Silver 65-18, Flat Products
STEELMAX Metal Story
C75200 재질은 ASTM B122 — Plate, Sheet, Strip,
Alloy 400, N04400, B165 SMLS Tube, Pipe, Ni-Cu
STEELMAX Metal Story
Alloy 400 금속은 Nickel 63%, Copper
ASTM B150 C63200 O25, Ball Valve, Al-Bronze
STEELMAX Metal Story
ASTM B150 은, 알루미늄 청동이면서, 봉, 로드,
AMS 5661, N09901, Ni-Cr-Fe Super Alloy
AMS 5661 규정 재질은 Nickel-Iron 초합금으로, 내식, 내열 금속입니다.
Hastelloy®C-4, B622, SMLS Tube, Pipe, N06455
STEELMAX Metal Story
ASTM B622 규정은 Nickel 합금과 니켈 코발트 합금